Cleanse Program

The road to healing begins with the Every Life Well® Cleanse Intensive Program

Cleanse, Restore, and Fortify Your Body to Look, Feel, and Be Your Best

6-week science-based program. Regain control of your health and life.

“I often go to bed at night worrying about what’s happening to people because of what I see in my patients every day…”

If you want to begin to heal your body from chronic conditions and fatigue and have the energy to lead a fulfilling life… you are in the right place. Are any of the following true for you?

  • You are experiencing fatigue, brain fog, digestive issues, weight gain, allergies, autoimmune disorders, hormone imbalance, headaches, anxiety, or other symptoms.
  • You’re highly motivated to strive for exceptional health.
  • You’re tired of being dismissed by “experts” when you have real health issues.
  • You are not willing to settle for less than feeling your best.
  • You know you have been exposed to mold or other toxins.
  • You want to reduce inflammation and detoxify safely and naturally.
  • You are inspired to be preventive and proactive about your health.
  • You are tired of not getting the results you desire!

Here's why I can help...

I’m Dr. Ann Shippy, and I understand what you’re going through. My personal experiences healing from undiagnosed celiac disease, autoimmune disorders, severe adult onset asthma, and mold toxicity have all been worthwhile steps in helping me to practice medicine the way I dreamed of doing. I know how it feels when illness puts your life on hold.

While working as a chemical engineer and manager at IBM, I got really sick coming home from a vacation– which was the first of four major health crises. Despite the efforts of traditional medicine, no one could find the cause of my problems.

One morning, after a long quest with various health practitioners and my own research figuring out how to heal myself, I woke up suddenly at 4 am with a clear decision…

I left engineering and went to medical school to practice medicine differently, the way I would have wanted to be helped.

Now, over a decade later, after earning my medical degree and becoming board certified in Internal Medicine and certified in Functional Medicine, I love caring for my patients here in my clinic in Austin, Texas. 

And when people can’t get appointments right away because of my waiting list, it’s frustrating to disappoint people who are seeking answers about their health. You just want to feel better and get your life back… 

This compelled and inspired me to find a way to help more people, so I created the Every Life Well® Cleanse Intensive Program!

For the first time, I will be able to help those who are unable to see me as a patient.

Announcing my first program based on my proven clinic protocols: the Every Life Well® Cleanse Intensive Program

This isn’t like the fad cleanse diets you see out there right now.

This is a safe, science-based approach to detoxifying and fortifying your body. Fatigue, brain fog, weight gain, and many chronic illnesses are often caused by a buildup of toxins from environmental sources and lifestyle factors.

This is a 6-week detoxification program, based on science and the real results that I’ve used to help my patients.

To be clear, this is not a quick fix. Many shorter, less thorough cleanse protocols only scratch the surface. This program augments your own detox pathways

However, when you remove toxins and reset your body you may lose weight much more easily.

But more importantly you will be giving your body the support it needs to increase your energy and heal naturally.

Sign up and be one of the first to know when Dr. Shippy’s Cleanse is available.

Coming Soon!

Here’s what is included with the Every Life Well® Cleanse Intensive Program:

A dedicated 6 weeks together to do a detoxifying Cleanse Intensive and guide you through “what to do” and “what to eat” and why. (Two weeks of preparation, and four weeks of the cleanse program itself)

Live weekly online sessions and Q&A time as a group, taught by me. (Recordings will be available if you can’t attend every session or want to replay them)
INCLUDED carefully selected, professional-grade, detoxifying and fortifying supplements shipped to your home.
Four weeks of a simple “meal prep” style menu plan, custom-designed just for my private group, created to allow you to efficiently prepare your meals with fewer cooking sessions. (Real, fresh food– no messy juicing or feeling deprived)
Our own private app to provide accountability, community, and support for the program right from your phone (not another Facebook group!). Our app links with most major fitness trackers like Apple Watch and Fitbit.
Printable guides and handouts so that you’ll be guided every step of the way.
Tools & Resources for my regularly recommended tools, foods, and household and personal care products to help you reduce your hidden exposures.

The price? Just $1797.

Why Does This Cost More Than Other Cleanse Programs?

No Comparison: I can confidently say that this really is the best thing out there. No other cleanse program or fasting protocol is this comprehensive. 

Most Thorough: There’s a reason I named the program the Cleanse “Intensive.” It is a much longer duration than a short fasting cleanse, but– it’s not just the time we’re spending together, it’s the value of what it does for your body. Fasting alone is not enough. It’s a great reset– but this cleanse does more. 

You can’t just pour celery juice on top of your problem or skip a few breakfasts and get the results you can get with the Every Life Well® Cleanse Intensive. 

This program augments your own detox pathways vs. just relying on the benefits of fasting. Among other things, the supplements provide the nutrients you need to repair and rebuild cell membranes and mitochondria, meaning that your liver, gallbladder and kidneys are supported, amplifying every aspect of detoxification. This support gives your body the tools to repair itself—fortifying your own body’s natural resilience.

Great Value: The Every Life Well® Cleanse Intensive is my solution to be able to help more people who are not able to become a patient in my clinic. 

The doctor-patient relationship is a sacred and special one, especially the way I prefer to practice medicine. I spend a great deal of time listening to my patients, asking questions other doctors don’t ask… and my goal is to help patients address the root cause of their illnesses. 

I’m taking everything I’m learning from patients in the office and applying it to this program, and you will benefit from this collective learning. I am often the “doctor of last resort” for the sickest of the sick, and I also see the most motivated high-performers who want to be the healthiest possible. 

Just the initial new patient visit alone in my clinic is almost twice the cost of this program, and when patients begin treatment at my clinic, they also typically invest in lab tests and supplements in addition to the new patient fee. 

To provide this affordable 6-week option, I’ve carefully formulated this supplement selection, and bought individually, these supplements cost over $600.

Access to Help You: Even though cleanse participants are not patients, I am personally here for Q&A and teaching each week in this program. I’ve built our own private app to provide accountability and support throughout the six weeks we have together.

Plus, you’ll get the following bonuses:

• Kitchen detox makeover lesson with bestselling author and organizing expert Lorie Marrero

• Family-and-friend training module to help others understand and support you during your cleanse

• Cleanse “Travel Pack:” Must-haves packing list + tips to stay on track while traveling

• The Shippy Soup Diet: 14 soup recipes to reset your appetite and crush cravings

  • • Exclusive discounts in our online store

What are your other options?

What’s the value of getting your body on the right trajectory—feeling better, faster?

You could do a quick juice cleanse and get some temporary results…

You could do intermittent fasting for a few days and get some good benefits…

You could guess which supplements to use and spend more time looking around on the internet for pieces of the puzzle and become overwhelmed with conflicting information.

Or… you could join me for six weeks and completely change the trajectory of your health, for good—starting this new decade with the best possible odds for vitality to actually Get Better With Age.™


If you’re ready to have greater energy, a healthier body weight, and more mental clarity, click the link below and join today.

Sign up and be one of the first to know when Dr. Shippy’s Cleanse is available.


PS: My new program is NOT for you if:

  • You are an existing patient (please call the office if you wish to participate)
  • You cannot receive packages to a USA shipping address
  • You are undergoing cancer treatment
  • You are pregnant or think you might be
  • You’ve had a stroke, severe concussion, or heart attack within the last 2 months
  • You have uncontrolled type 1 diabetes
  • You are not confident in your ability to attend trainings, take provided supplements, or make dietary and lifestyle changes with assistance

However, for all of those circumstances, it may be very beneficial to do this cleanse program AFTER your situation has changed. (And if you are planning a pregnancy soon, this program would be a tremendous advantage!)